How to Deal When You’re Highly Sensitive: Insights from Baltimore Therapist

Ever feel like you experience life in high definition?

Does a piece of music, a heartfelt conversation, or even a bustling crowd stir something deep inside you? If that resonates, or if you have a dear one who seems to walk through life with an extra dose of emotion, then you're in just the right place.

Welcome to our cozy corner where we talk about Highly Sensitive Persons, or HSPs. The wonderful Dr. Elaine Aron introduced us to this concept, and it's about time we celebrate it. Being an HSP isn't about being labeled – it’s about recognizing and honoring a unique way of being.

So, what's in store for you in this guide? Buckle up for a journey into the heart of sensitivity:

  • Self-Discovery

    If you’re an HSP, this post will help you understand and embrace your sensitivity.

  • Practical Tips

    Gain actionable strategies to navigate the challenges of high sensitivity.

  • Empathy and Understanding

    For those who aren’t HSPs, this is a chance to understand your sensitive friends or family members better.

  • Empowerment

    Learn how sensitivity can be a strength, not a weakness, in your personal and professional life.


Understanding HSP Traits

Being an HSP is a multi-layered experience. It's not just about feeling emotions; it's about how your entire being interacts with the world:

  1. Deep Processing: HSPs often think deeply about things, mulling over conversations and experiences long after they're over.

  2. Easily Overwhelmed: Busy environments and loud noises can quickly become too much. HSPs often need quiet space to recharge.

  3. Emotional Reactivity and Empathy: HSPs don't just feel their emotions; they live them. This can be a beautiful, albeit intense, experience.

  4. Sensitivity to Subtleties: HSPs notice the little things – a slight change in someone's tone, a faint fragrance, the subtle shift of the seasons.

Are You a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Questions to Ask Yourself

Recognizing if you're an HSP can be the first step towards understanding your reactions to various situations and managing your sensitivities more effectively. Here are some questions to help you explore whether you might be an HSP.

*remember-this isn’t a diagnosis, just exploration! Many of these questions are inspired from Dr. Elaine Aron’s Book The Highly Sensitive Person.

1. Do you often feel overwhelmed by sensory stimuli?

This can include bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, or loud noises.

2. Do you find yourself needing to withdraw during busy days, into bed or a darkened room or any place where you can have some privacy and relief from stimulation?

HSPs often need quiet time to recuperate after being in a busy or overwhelming environment.

3. Do you have a rich and complex inner life?

When you have a day to yourself, do you enjoy deep thoughts, introspection, or imaginative activities?

4. Are you deeply moved by the arts or music?

Do you have strong emotional reactions to beauty, art, or musical performances?

5. Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time?

HSPs may feel flustered when under pressure to perform tasks quickly.

6. Do you make a point of avoiding violent movies or TV shows?

Because of their deep empathy, HSPs may find violent or graphic content particularly disturbing.

7. Do you need to avoid situations where things are chaotic or where there's a lot of shouting?

HSPs often find it stressful to be in chaotic or loud environments.

8. Do you notice or enjoy delicate or fine scents, tastes, sounds, or works of art?

HSPs tend to have a keen appreciation for subtle sensory experiences.

9. Do you feel a deep sense of empathy towards others' distress?

HSPs often pick up on the emotions of others and feel them as if they were their own.

10. Do changes in your environment affect you more than others seem to be affected?

This could include sensitivity to changes in weather, temperature, or even slight alterations in personal routines.

11. Do you have a complex inner emotional life and sometimes feel emotions more deeply than others?

HSPs often experience a wide range of emotions more intensely than their non-HSP counterparts.

If you answered "yes" to many of these questions, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person. Understanding this trait can empower you to make life choices that honor your sensitivities, rather than feeling frustrated by them.

*Remember-this isn’t a diagnosis, just exploration! Many of these questions are inspired from Dr. Elaine Aron’s Book The Highly Sensitive Person, so I def recommend checking that out to learn more!

Self-Care Strategies for HSPs

As an HSP, nurturing your wellbeing is crucial. Here are some self-care strategies tailored for your sensitive soul:

  1. Create Your Sanctuary: Find or create a space where you can unwind and be undisturbed.

  2. Set Healthy Boundaries: It's okay to say no to preserve your energy.

  3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular practice can help you stay centered amidst emotional storms.

  4. Scheduled Downtime: Regular breaks are essential. It's not laziness; it's self-preservation.

  5. Journaling: A powerful tool to process your deep thoughts and emotions.

  6. Nature Therapy: Connect with nature. It's grounding and soothing.

  7. Seek Supportive Communities: Surround yourself with people who understand and appreciate your sensitivity.

Living in a Non-HSP World

For those who aren't HSPs, understanding and patience are key. Realize that HSPs might need more time to process things and may react more intensely to situations. Open communication and creating a supportive environment can help immensely.


Being a Highly Sensitive Person is a Unique Gift

It allows you to experience the world in a rich and profound way. Embracing this trait can lead to a life filled with deep relationships and meaningful experiences.

For more insights, I recommend "The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You" by Dr. Elaine Aron. Also, consider joining HSP-specific forums and communities for additional support and connection!

In this journey of sensitivity, remember you are not alone. Many share this trait and have found ways to not just survive but thrive. Celebrate your sensitivity – it adds depth and color to the tapestry of human experience. Embrace it, celebrate it, and let it shine!

Hi! I’m Ellie, a private practice therapist offering online therapy to empathetic women & couples in Maryland.

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