Values Clarification Tool

Discover what truly matters, clarify your values, and set intentions for a meaningful life.

  • If you've ever found yourself drifting aimlessly or perhaps a bit out of touch with what truly matters in your life, you're not alone. We all have moments when we wonder if we're heading in the "right" direction.

    That's why I'm absolutely thrilled to introduce (drumroll please)…The Life Compass Values Clarification Tool ✨

  • 1.) Select a Life Domain

    Think of this as an area of your life where you'd like more clarity or focus.

    2.) Pick Your Core Values

    Dive deep and pick values that resonate with you. Not sure what 'compassion' or 'authenticity' really means?

    I’ve included descriptions for each.

    3.) Reflect and Rate

    Check in with yourself. How closely are you living in alignment with your chosen values?

    4.) Take Action

    Aligning with our values is more than just acknowledging them. It's about living them out, every single day.

    That's why i’ve included actionable steps for each value you select.

  • Honestly? Just about everyone. Whether you're:

    -Facing a crossroads in life.

    -Feeling a bit out of touch with yourself.

    -Wanting to make changes but unsure where to start.

    -Simply curious about ACT and the concept of values.

    This tool can offer clarity, direction, and a deeper connection to your authentic self.

  • A Clearer Path Forward

    With a deeper understanding of your values, decision-making becomes more straightforward.

    Boosted Well-Being

    Living in tune with your values can lead to increased happiness, contentment, and overall well-being.

    Enhanced Resilience

    When challenges arise, being grounded in your values can provide strength and perspective.

    Improved Relationships

    Knowing your values can improve understanding and communication with loved ones.

The Gist.

Life Compass: Values Clarification Tool

Without further ado, I present….

Values Selection
Select a Value
What truly matters to you at the core of your being? How do you envision spending your precious time on this Earth? What kind of individual do you aspire to be? Are there specific personal strengths or attributes you'd like to nurture?
Acceptance: Embracing life on life's terms.
Adventure: Seeking out new experiences.
Ambition: Setting and pursuing challenging goals.
Balance: Creating a harmonious work-life relationship.
Compassion: acknowledging the presence of suffering within oneself and in the world, and responding to it with a sense of openness, kindness, and a genuine intention to alleviate that suffering.
Creativity: Using imagination to create something new.
Curiosity: Desiring to learn or know more.
Determination: Being firm in one's purpose.
Diligence: Working hard and showing care in one's duties.
Empathy: Understanding and sharing another's feelings.
Fairness: Treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination.
Flexibility: Adapting to changes willingly.
Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness.
Freedom: Living without restraint or oppression.
Generosity: Being kind and generous, especially regarding money or possessions.
Grace: Moving with elegance and beauty.
Gratitude: Showing appreciation and thankfulness.
Harmony: Forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
Honesty: Being truthful and straightforward.
Humility: Keeping one's accomplishments and talents in a modest perspective.
Integrity: Being honest and having strong moral principles.
Joy: Experiencing happiness and pleasure.
Kindness: Being considerate, generous, and friendly.
Leadership: Guiding and inspiring others.
Love: Feeling deep affection or passion.
Loyalty: Being faithful to commitments and obligations.
Mindfulness: Being fully present in the moment.
Open-mindedness: Being receptive to new and different ideas or opinions.
Optimism: Hoping for the best and seeing the bright side.
Patience: Waiting calmly without complaint.
Perseverance: Continuing on despite obstacles or delay.
Resilience: Recovering quickly from difficulties.
Respect: Admiring someone deeply as a result of their abilities or qualities.
Responsibility: Being accountable for one's actions.
Trust: Believing in the reliability or truth of someone or something.
Wisdom: Gaining insight and experience to make sound judgments.
Life Domain Selection
Select a Life Domain
Rating Selection
Rate How Aligned You Are with This Value
1: Totally out of alignment, but no worries. We've got ideas on the next step!
2: A tiny bit in line. There's room to grow!
3: Getting there! Let's push a little more.
4: Almost halfway! Keep going.
5: Smack in the middle. Steady as she goes!
6: Slightly above average. You're doing something right.
7: Well on track! Things are looking bright.
8: Oh wow! You're shining bright like a diamond.
9: Almost perfect! You're on fire.
10: Absolute alignment! You're a superstar.
Action Steps for Value Alignment
Action Steps for Value Alignment
Pick one small step you can take today to move towards this value.

✨ Bonus

Sticking With Your Goal Tips
Tips for Sticking With Your Goal